Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Meeting #8: Fitness Fun badge

Fitness Fun badge (FF)
Discovering You: Stay Fit and Healthy (DY3)

Beyond You: Try New Things
We had a guest presenter at our meeting--she's a Ranger leader, our Area Active Living advisor, and a fitness instructor. She worked on the Fitness Fun badge with the girls (DY3#6)

6:30-6:45: Patrol Time. We didn't have a lot of time, but we have a sleepover coming up so we asked the girls to choose from three Challenges we're thinking about doing.

6:45-6:55: Horseshoe. We found out the results of the sleepover planning, which was that they liked the idea of all the challenges and there was no one challenge that won out over the others, so we're no farther ahead and we still have to make a decision!

7:00-8:20: Our guest took over. We did yoga for half an hour. (FF#3 & #7, BY3#3)

Then she discussed with the girls ways to change their daily routines to add more fitness (walking more, taking stairs when you can, playing outside instead of watching tv). (FF#1)

Then we went over different ways to stretch various muscles--some we had done during the yoga session. (FF#4)

Finally, we learned the proper ways to do squat, lunges, push-ups, and crunches. She stressed to the girls that there is no such thing as "girl push-ups" and "boy push-ups", but rather beginner and advanced. I thought this was a great point to make. (FF#6)

She was a great presenter and I think the girls really enjoyed it. I know they enjoyed getting their badges!

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